What I'd like to do is find the sum of the sepal lengths of iris flowers that are over each "critical value" of petal width / petal length.
Consider the following code
iris <- iris %>%
mutate(prop_width_length = Petal.Width/Petal.Length)
prop_width_length <- as.data.frame(iris$prop_width_length)
portion = as.data.frame(seq(0,1,0.001))
cumsum = NULL
for (i in 1:1001) {
cumsum[i] = sum(prop_width_length >= portion[i,1])
sigportion <- cbind(portion, cumsum)
That gives me a cumulative sum of how many of my iris flowers have a width/length proportion greater than or equal to each "critical value". Then finally it puts it in a data frame so I can make a nice ggplot. Basically it counts how many flowers have over each "critical value".
What I'd like to in addition to the above code is add up all of the sepal lengths for every iris where their petal width/length ratio is greater than or equal to each "critical value" stored my portion variable.
so something like
sum all the sepal lengths of iris flowers which have petal width/length >= critvalue
It becomes quite easy with data.table
iris[,prop_width_length := Petal.Width/Petal.Length]
portion<-as.data.table(seq(from = 0,to = 1,by = 0.001))
for(i in 1:nrow(portion)){
cumsum[i]<-iris[prop_width_length >= portion[[1]][i],sum(Sepal.Length)]
Hope that helps!