I am using char_segment from Quanteda library to separate multiple documents from one file separatted by a pattern, this command works great and easily! (I did try with str_match and strsplit but without success).
Lamentably I am unable to get the filename as a Variable, this is key to next analysis.example
Example of my commands:
doc <- readtext(paste0("PATH/*.docx"))
docc=char_segment(doc$text, pattern = ",", remove_pattern = TRUE)
Please any suggestion or other options to split documents are welcome.
Simply get the list of your docx files first, it will yield the name of the files. Then run the char_segment function on them them by a lapply, loop, or purrr::map()
The following code assumes that your target documents are stored in a directory called "docx" within your working directory.
library(readtext) ## Remember to include in your posts the libraries required to replicate the code.
list_of_docx <- list.files(path = "./docx", ## Looks inside the ./docx directory
full.names = TRUE, ## retrieves the full path to the documents
pattern = "[.]docx$", ## retrieves al documents whose names ends in ".docx"
ignore.case = TRUE) ## ignores the letter case of the document's names
df_docx <- data.frame() ## Create an empty dataframe to store your data
for (d in seq_along(list_of_docx)) { ## Tell R to run the loop/iterate along the number of elements within thte list of doccument paths
temp_object <-readtext(list_of_docx[d])
temp_segmented_object <- char_segment(temp_object$text, pattern = ",", remove_pattern = TRUE)
temp_df <- as.data.frame(temp_segmented_object)
colnames(temp_df) <- "segments"
temp_df$title <- as.character(list_of_docx[d]) ## Create a variable with the title of the source document
temp_df <- temp_df[, c("title", "segments")]
df_docx <- rbind(df_docx, temp_df) ## Append each dataframe to the previously created empty dataframe
rm(temp_df, temp_object, d)