Normally when submitting code here, I would try to only include the minimum amount of code to demonstrate the problem. However, I did not encounter this problem until the very end of writing the code, which made it almost impossible to debug the problem.
I have a piece of code that converts a file between some different types. That code is functional without any problems. It starts with an XCI file inside of a ZIP file, and converts it to a folder. However, at the very end of the code, I attempted to make my script delete some temporary folders it had created. This causes a somewhat confusing error that I have not been able to successfully troubleshoot.
import os, shutil, zipfile
from shutil import copyfile
from time import sleep
for fileName in os.listdir("D:/start"):
filePath = "D:/start" + fileName
copyfile(filePath, "C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/")
print("Extracting C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/")
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/", 'r')
for file in os.listdir("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract"):
if file.endswith(".xci"):
os.rename(os.path.join("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract", file), "C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversionh/extract/game.xci")
os.system("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/hactool/hactool.exe -t xci C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/game.xci --outdir=C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversionh/extract")
fileSizeTupleList = []
largestSize = 0
for i in os.listdir(os.curdir):
if os.path.isfile(i):
fileSizeTupleList.append((i, os.path.getsize(i)))
for fileName, fileSize in fileSizeTupleList:
if fileSize > largestSize:
largestSize = fileSize
largestFile = fileName
print("Extracting C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/secure/" + largestFile)
os.system("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/hactool/hactool.exe -t nca -k C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/hactool/keys C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract/secure/" + largestFile + " --exefsdir=C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/game --romfs=C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/game/RomFS.romfs")
shutil.copytree("C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/game", "D:/end/" + os.path.split(filePath)[1][:-4])
This code works fine until it reaches the second to last line. At that point, I reach the following error:
PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/extract\\secure'
I have absolutely no idea what is causing this error, so any help would be appreciated.
You changed your working directory to the directory you're trying to delete with this line:
So you can't delete the directory since your python script process is using it.
Just change your working directory to the root directory (os.chdir('/')
) before you delete "C:/Users/Julian/Documents/conversion/conversion/secure"