This is purely for gaining more knowledge when doing generic programming. How can I ensure the return type of a function passed in as a template argument to another function, which can take a different number of params (0 to N).
I am trying to use std::invoke_result
and static_assert()
to ensure the proper return type for registered factory methods. I've used a better example than the first one posted to give more clarity.
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
class Factory final
template<typename My_Type, typename Func>
static bool Register(Func func)
// issue is these two lines of code, when trying to register Derived1 and Derived2 create functions
typename invoke_result<Func>::type result;
static_assert(is_same<decltype(result), unique_ptr<My_Type>>::value, "Not a unique pointer to type 'My_Type'");
bool isRegistered = false;
if (GetCreateFunctions().end() == GetCreateFunctions().find(typeid(My_Type)))
GetCreateFunctions()[typeid(My_Type)] = reinterpret_cast<void*>(func);
isRegistered = true;
return isRegistered;
template<typename My_Type, typename... Args>
static unique_ptr<My_Type> Create(Args&&... args)
unique_ptr<My_Type> type = nullptr;
auto iter = GetCreateFunctions().find(typeid(My_Type));
if (GetCreateFunctions().end() != iter)
typedef unique_ptr<My_Type>(*create_func)(Args&&...);
auto create = reinterpret_cast<create_func>(iter->second);
type = create(forward<Args>(args)...);
return type;
static unordered_map<type_index, void*>& GetCreateFunctions()
static unordered_map<type_index, void*> map;
return map;
class Base
Base(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void DoSomething() const = 0;
unique_ptr<string> _moveString;
class Derived1 final : public Base
Derived1(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
~Derived1() = default;
void DoSomething() const override
if (_moveString)
// do something...
static const bool _isRegistered;
static unique_ptr<Derived1> Create(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
return make_unique<Derived1>(move(moveString));
const bool Derived1::_isRegistered = Factory::template Register<Derived1>(&Derived1::Create);
class Derived2 final : public Base
~Derived2() = default;
void DoSomething() const override
if (_moveString)
// do something...
static const bool _isRegistered;
static unique_ptr<Derived2> Create()
return make_unique<Derived2>();
const bool Derived2::_isRegistered = Factory::template Register<Derived2>(&Derived2::Create);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string moveString = "moveString";
unique_ptr<Base> myBase_Derived1 = Factory::template Create<Derived1>(make_unique<string>(move(moveString)));
unique_ptr<Base> myBase_Derived2 = Factory::template Create<Derived2>();
if (myBase_Derived1)
if (myBase_Derived2)
return 0;
This doesn't work in all functional cases but, with function pointers, should work.
If you define a custom template as follows
template <typename>
struct baz;
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct baz<R(*)(Args...)>
{ using retType = R; };
your example become
template <typename T, typename Func>
void Example(Func func)
static_assert(std::is_same<typename baz<Func>::retType,
std::unique_ptr<T>>::value, "!");
The following is a full compiling example
#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
template <typename>
struct baz;
template <typename R, typename ... Args>
struct baz<R(*)(Args...)>
{ using retType = R; };
template <typename T, typename Func>
void Example(Func func)
static_assert(std::is_same<typename baz<Func>::retType,
std::unique_ptr<T>>::value, "!");
struct Foo
Foo (int i) : My_I{i}
{ }
Foo () : My_I{99}
{ }
~Foo() = default;
int My_I;
std::unique_ptr<Foo> bar0 ()
{ return std::make_unique<Foo>(11); }
std::unique_ptr<Foo> bar1 (int)
{ return std::make_unique<Foo>(11); }
std::unique_ptr<Foo> bar2 (int, long)
{ return std::make_unique<Foo>(11); }
int main ()
Unfortunately this solution works only with function pointers and not with (by example) lambda function (when not convertible to function pointers) or classes with operator()
If you can use C++17 -- and I suppose is your case, if you use std::invoke_result
-- you can also use automatic deduction guides for std::function
So, in C++17, you can forget the baz
struct and simply write
template <typename T, typename Func>
void Example(Func func)
typename decltype(std::function{func})::result_type,
std::unique_ptr<T>>::value, "!");
or, in your Register()
template<typename My_Type, typename Func>
static bool Register(Func func)
typename decltype(std::function{func})::result_type,
std::unique_ptr<My_Type>>::value, "!");
bool isRegistered = false;
if (GetCreateFunctions().end() == GetCreateFunctions().find(typeid(My_Type)))
GetCreateFunctions()[typeid(My_Type)] = reinterpret_cast<void*>(func);
isRegistered = true;
return isRegistered;