i am using tomcat 9.0.4 and Java 1.8. In the same project, jersey is providing an webservice. I can use @Inject from the webservice classes without any problem. I am trying to get injection working from my websocket endpoint display below.
public class ArchApi {
@Inject RepClass injectedClass;
public String onMessage(byte[] data) {
This is my CDI implementation:
All i get is a java.lang.NullPointerException.
I found this feature request. So i think Injection is still not implemented in tomcat.
My questions:
At the moment i am thinking about a migration to glassfish, which should support injection from a Serverendpoint
You could use the following configurator to make CDI manage the endpoint classes:
public class CdiAwareConfigurator extends ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator {
public <T> T getEndpointInstance(Class<T> endpointClass) throws InstantiationException {
return CDI.current().select(endpointClass).get();
Then annotate your endpoint classes as following:
@ServerEndpoint(value = "/chat", configurator = CdiAwareConfigurator.class)
public class ChatEndpoint {
Depending on your CDI configuration, you may need to annotate the endpoint classes with @Dependent
Alternatively you could programmatically look up for a bean instance using:
SomeSortOfBean bean = CDI.current().select(SomeSortOfBean.class).get();