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How to integrate the sentiment analysis script with the chatbot for analysing the user's reply in the same console screen?

I want to make a chatbot that uses Sentiment analyser script for knowing the sentiment of the user's reply for which I have completed the Chatbot making.

Now only thing I want to do is to use this Script to analyse the reply of user using the chatbot that I have made.
How should I integrate this script with the file to analyse the sentiment's of user?

Update: The overall performance will be like this :
Chatbot: How was your day?
User: It was an awesome day. I feel so elated and motivated today.
User Reply: Positive
Sentiment score = (some random value)

Thanking you in advance.


  • Import classes from sentiment analysis script to chatbot script. Then do necessary things according to your requirement. For example. I modified your chatbot script:

    from chatterbot import ChatBot
    from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
    from sentiment_analysis import Splitter, POSTagger, DictionaryTagger  # import all the classes from sentiment_analysis
    import os
    bot = ChatBot('Bot')
    # for files in os.listdir('C:/Users/username\Desktop\chatterbot\chatterbot_corpus\data/english/'):
    # data = open('C:/Users/username\Desktop\chatterbot\chatterbot_corpus\data/english/' + files, 'r').readlines()
    data = [
        "My name is Tony",
        "that's a good name",
        "Thank you",
        "How you doing?",
        "I am Fine. What about you?",
        "I am also fine. Thanks for asking."]
    # I included 3 functions from sentiment_analysis here for ease of loading. Alternatively you can create a class for them in and import here.
    def value_of(sentiment):
        if sentiment == 'positive': return 1
        if sentiment == 'negative': return -1
        return 0
    def sentence_score(sentence_tokens, previous_token, acum_score):
        if not sentence_tokens:
            return acum_score
            current_token = sentence_tokens[0]
            tags = current_token[2]
            token_score = sum([value_of(tag) for tag in tags])
            if previous_token is not None:
                previous_tags = previous_token[2]
                if 'inc' in previous_tags:
                    token_score *= 2.0
                elif 'dec' in previous_tags:
                    token_score /= 2.0
                elif 'inv' in previous_tags:
                    token_score *= -1.0
            return sentence_score(sentence_tokens[1:], current_token, acum_score + token_score)
    def sentiment_score(review):
        return sum([sentence_score(sentence, None, 0.0) for sentence in review])
    # create instances of all classes
    splitter = Splitter()
    postagger = POSTagger()
    dicttagger = DictionaryTagger([ 'dicts/positive.yml', 'dicts/negative.yml',
                                'dicts/inc.yml', 'dicts/dec.yml', 'dicts/inv.yml'])
    print("ChatBot is Ready...")
    print("ChatBot : Welcome to my world! What is your name?")
    message = input("you: ")
    while True:
        if message.strip() != 'Bye'.lower():
            reply = bot.get_response(message)
            # process the text
            splitted_sentences = splitter.split(message)
            pos_tagged_sentences = postagger.pos_tag(splitted_sentences)
            dict_tagged_sentences = dicttagger.tag(pos_tagged_sentences)
            # find sentiment score
            score = sentiment_score(dict_tagged_sentences)
            if (score >= 1):
                print('User Reply: Positive')
                print('User Reply: Negative')
            print("Sentiment score :",score)
        if message.strip() == 'Bye'.lower():
            print('ChatBot: Bye')
        message = input("you: ")

    Let me know when you get errors.