I'm working with an R program where I've dynamically created an S4 class. I would like to somehow loop through each of the variables in this class to write to a table.
classStructure <<- getColumns(jobClass)
myclass <- setClass("myclass", slots = classStructure)
method <<- setClassMethods()
setClassMethods <- function(){
def = function(myclassVar, level, outFile){
setMethod("myclassMethod", signature = "myclass",
function(myclassVar, level = classLevel, outFile = logFile){
# Stuff happens
# Loop through variables here
# Write table of class variables to file
Is this possible? Thanks for any help given.
If object x
has a dynamically generated class and you want to apply someFun
to each slot and save the results, you can loop as follows:
slotApply <- function(x,FUN,...){
cl <- class(x)
result <- list()
for(i in slotNames(cl)){
result[[i]] <- FUN(slot(x,i),...)
You use this slotApply
function in a similar way to the other *apply functions:
> setClass("simpleClass",slots=c(slot1="integer",slot2="numeric")) -> simpleClass
> x <- simpleClass(slot1=1:5,slot2=rnorm(10))
> x
An object of class "simpleClass"
Slot "slot1":
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
Slot "slot2":
[1] 1.00247979 -1.75796879 0.06510241 -0.53409906 0.85805243 -0.30981176 -1.06817163 -1.45182185 0.09195955 1.17004958
> slotApply(x,sum)
[1] 15
[1] -1.934229