In symfony 1.4, what is the best way to resize an image uploaded with a form when using sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable and sfValidatorFile and knowing that they already saved image without being asked ?
Where to put the code? I am a bit lost ...
Or should I use sfValidatorFile otherwise?
// In my form configure method:
$this->validatorSchema['image'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
'path' => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/images/',
'mime_types' => 'web_images',
A good place to do this would be overriding processValues in the form.
class FooForm extends BaseFooForm {
public function processValues($values)
if ($values['image'] instanceof sfValidatedFile) { // file was uploaded
$temp = $values['image']->getTempName();
// do image manipulation here using GD or other
$values['image'] = $pathToSavedResizedFile;
return parent::processValues($values);
I illustrated the same technique in an older blogpost: