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how to remove qt keyboard support for qtwebbroser from qt5.7

I am using yocto morty version qt5.7 and qtwebbrowser. now I want to remove keyboard support in qtwebbrowser.
I have opened and removed
RDEPENDS_${PN} ="qtvirtual keryboard"

compiled successfully but when i run the qtwebbrowser on the board its showing below error.

qrc:///qml/AppMain.qml:7:9: Type Keyboard unavailable
qrc:///qml/Keyboard.qml:31:1: module "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard" is not installed

why it is still searching for keyboard. even i removed from recipe.

Is there anything i missed?



  • According to the Qt WebBrowser manual (see below in section "Platform Requirements") the "Qt Virtual Keyboard" module is required. As the module is required by Qt WebBrowser itself, I don't see an easy way how to remove the dependency. It needs to be done on Qt WebBrowser level and after that on OpenEmbedded level.