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Why can this non-recursive mutex be acquired twice?

I'm just recently learning about pthread condition variables, which appears to be fundamental to this question.

I'm observing what appears to be a thread "breaking through" and acquiring a mutex owned by another thread!

This is blowing the very fundamentals of my understanding of mutex ownership, and I'm at a loss how to explain this:

In the following code, I have class ScopeLock, a fairly common C++ wrapper over a mutex that acquires the mutex in its ctor and releases it in its dtor.

From main(), I spawn two threads, each of which attempt to acquire a common mutex. Because there is a healthy sleep between the two threads' creation, it is expected that the first spawned thread will acquire the mutex.

In thread 1, I do a pthread_cond_wait() and never signal the condition variable, the intent being to block forever.

The intent is that, since thread 1 acquires the mutex and blocks forever, thread 2 will also block forever when it attempts to acquire the mutex.


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>

class ScopeLock

  ScopeLock( pthread_mutex_t& mutex ) : mutex_( mutex )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_ );


  pthread_mutex_t mutex_;

pthread_mutex_t g_mutex;
pthread_cond_t g_cond;

void* func1( void* arg )
  std::cout << "locking g_mutex from " << pthread_self() << std::endl;
  ScopeLock lock( g_mutex );
  std::cout << "locked g_mutex from " << pthread_self() << std::endl;

  std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " before cond_wait()" << std::endl;
  pthread_cond_wait( &g_cond, &g_mutex );
  //sleep( 1000 );
  std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " after cond_wait()" << std::endl;
  return NULL;

void* func2( void* arg )
  std::cout << "locking g_mutex from " << pthread_self() << std::endl;
  ScopeLock lock( g_mutex );
  std::cout << "locked g_mutex from " << pthread_self() << std::endl;

  std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
  return NULL;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  pthread_t t1;
  pthread_t t2;

  pthread_mutex_init( &g_mutex, NULL );
  pthread_cond_init( &g_cond, NULL );

  pthread_create( &t1, NULL, func1, NULL );

  sleep ( 2 );

  pthread_create( &t2, NULL, func2, NULL );

  pthread_join( t2, NULL );
  std::cout << "joined t2" << std::endl;
  pthread_join( t1, NULL );
  std::cout << "joined t1" << std::endl;

  return 0;


>g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

>g++ -g main.cpp -lpthread && ./a.out
locking g_mutex from 139707808458496
locked g_mutex from 139707808458496
func1 before cond_wait()
locking g_mutex from 139707800065792 // <-- Here onward is output 2 sec later
locked g_mutex from 139707800065792
joined t2

But the output of the executable shows thread 2 advancing past the mutex acquisition! Can anyone please explain why this happens?

You can see I attempted to sanity-check the situation with the "sleep( 1000 )": if I comment-out the pthread_cond_wait() and uncomment the sleep(), then the executable behavior aligns with my expectation, which is that thread 2 does not advance beyond the "locking mutex..." statement in func2().

So I surmise that the "unexpected" behavior of this application is because of the pthread_cond_wait(), but I guess I fundamentally don't understand why: why can thread 2 advance beyond the mutex acquisition? My expectation was that thread 1, having acquired the mutex, and waiting on a condition variable that is never signaled would have blocked thread 2 from acquiring the mutex - why is this not so?

Grateful for help and explanation from the community.


I'm starting to form the inkling of an idea...I remember something about pthread_cond_wait() unlocking its mutex while it I wonder if it's "undoing" the ScopeLock's intended mutex-hold...? I'm don't have a proper/fully-formed idea, though, so I could still use a comprehensive answer from knowledgeable users.


  • The intent is that, since thread 1 acquires the mutex and blocks forever, thread 2 will also block forever when it attempts to acquire the mutex.

    From the documentation:

    These functions atomically release mutex and cause the calling thread to block on the condition variable cond;

    Therefore, thread 1 releases the mutex, which thread2 happily uses.

    That's okay though because pthread_cond_wait re-acquires the mutex before returning, which makes your use perfectly fine:

    Upon successful return, the mutex shall have been locked and shall be owned by the calling thread.

    This question might be of interest to understand why it works that way: Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex?