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Grok parsing issue using parsing log containing text starting [date] [hostname]

I am trying to parse below log using grok

 [2018-10-06 12:04:03:0227] [MYMACHINENAME]

and the grok expression which I used is

/[%{DATESTAMP:date}/] /[%{WORD:data}%/]

and this expression is not working. I tried to replace WORD with hostname even then it not working and if I try to either of the matchers alone then it works. Can anyone provide me the better tutorial pages to learn grok expressions?


  • There are few errors in your pattern. First off, you escape character using backslash / not forward slash \. Second, you don't need % to match ] in the end. Third, DATESTAMP doesn't match your date pattern, you need TIMESTAMP_ISO8601.

    Your final pattern should become,

    \[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}\] \[%{WORD}\]