I was looking for some information about the function User.destroyAll() which brought me to that page.
Clicking on the link for information about destroyAll sends me to http://apidocs.loopback.io/loopback/#persistedmodel-destroyall which seems like the right address, except it's actually the beginning of the documentation and the exact same thing as travelling to that page http://apidocs.loopback.io/loopback/ .
This made me realise that there are no documentation pieces about persisted-model anymore.
Is it a bug? Do you know when this will come back?
Thanks for reading :)
Yeah, you are right. There is documentation for PersistedModel for version one before last http://apidocs.loopback.io/loopback/v/3.19.3/ but it disappeared in version 3.20.0 http://apidocs.loopback.io/loopback/v/3.20.0/ So if you need documentation you can use this for version 3.19.3. According to the changelog, there were no changes related to PersistedModel
Update strong-globalize to 4.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Update nodemailer to v4.x (Dimitris)
Drop support for Node.js 4.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)