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Replacing self built Naturals with GHC type level literals

I wrote some code that takes a Heterogeneous List and indexes it.

{-# Language GADTs, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Kind

data Nat = Z | S Nat

data Natural a where
  Zero :: Natural 'Z
  Succ :: Natural a -> Natural ('S a)

data HList a where
  EmptyList :: HList '[]
  Cons :: a -> HList b -> HList (a ': b)

class IndexType (n :: Nat) (a :: [Type]) (b :: Type) | n a -> b where
  index :: (Natural n) -> (HList a) -> b

instance IndexType 'Z (a ': b) a where
  index _ (Cons a _) = a

instance IndexType a b c => IndexType ('S a) (d ': b) c where
  index (Succ a) (Cons _ b) = index a b

To do this I implemented my own Nat and Natural types. The Nat exists solely to elevate to the Kind level and Natural exists to fulfill the kind Nat -> Type.

Now I would prefer to use GHC.TypeLits' Nat kind rather than my own however when I try to translate my code over I start to hit a wall in terms of understanding.

I want to build my IndexType class and the declaration line doesn't change any

class IndexType (n :: Nat) (a :: [Type]) (b :: Type) | n a -> b where

Since GHC.TypeLits also has its own Nat kind. However GHC.TypeLits doesn't have a replacement for Natural that I see, namely I lack something of the kind Nat -> Type. Now I could build an equivalent

data Natural a = Natural

But this is essentially equivalent the Proxy type so I could just use that instead.

{-# Language GADTs, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy

data HList a where
  EmptyList :: HList '[]
  Cons :: a -> HList b -> HList (a ': b)

class IndexType (n :: Nat) (a :: [Type]) (b :: Type) | n a -> b where
  index :: (Proxy n) -> (HList a) -> b

Now the first instance of the IndexType class is easy enough:

instance IndexType 0 (a ': b) a where
  index _ (Cons a _) = a

However the second one starts to puzzle me. The first line seems as if it would be

instance IndexType a b c => IndexType (1 + a) (d ': b) c where

However on the second line I don't know how to replace the Succ in the original code. The data constructor for Proxy is Proxy so I suppose it must use that constructor so I must write something like:

  index Proxy (Cons _ b) = index a b

But now I'm pulling the definition of a out of thin air. I suppose it has to be another Proxy since index takes a Proxy, but I don't know how to force it to be the correct type.


  • How about this?

    class IndexType (n :: Nat) (a :: [Type]) (c :: Type) | n a -> c where           
      index ::  (Proxy n) -> (HList a) -> c                                         
    instance IndexType 0  (a ': b) a where                                          
      index _ (Cons a _) = a                                                        
    instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (IndexType (a-1) b c) => IndexType a (d ': b) c where 
      index _ (Cons _ b) = index (Proxy @(a-1)) b                                   

    This will use some extra extensions including ScopedTypeVariables and TypeApplications. PoC (tested on GHC 8.2.2):

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
    module Foo where
    import Data.Kind
    import GHC.TypeLits
    import Data.Proxy
    data HList a where
      EmptyList :: HList '[]
      Cons :: a -> HList b -> HList (a ': b)
    class IndexType (n :: Nat) (a :: [Type]) (c :: Type) | n a -> c where
      index ::  (Proxy n) -> (HList a) -> c
    instance IndexType 0  (a ': b) a where
      index _ (Cons a _) = a
    instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (IndexType (a-1) b c) => IndexType a (d ': b) c where
      index _ (Cons _ b) = index (Proxy @(a-1)) b
    list :: HList '[Int, Bool]
    list = Cons (5 :: Int) (Cons True EmptyList)
    int :: Int
    int = index (Proxy @0) list
    bool :: Bool
    bool = index (Proxy @1) list