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AWS Bucket redirect non html files

Based on AWS Redirect documentation, it's supposed to redirect from an object to another by adding the metadata tag : Website-Redirect-Location.

But I search around and didn't found any information, to know if this redirect only working for html files. Im wondering if I could redirect link from binary file. I have an old .msi file that need to be change by a .exe, but I want to redirect the .msi bucket link to download the new .exe.

Is there any limitation of redirect, or a specific option to add to make it work ?

NOTE: I put the .msi and .exe in the same bucket, both have public link to download them, I can access them without problem.


  • I found out my problem.

    As exposed on AWS documentation, REST API and Website endpoint are not supporting the same functionalities.

    Also, see the following topics from where I got the first information in-between difference, this answer also provide more information how its work

    And finally, I implemented such as thing on my Website endpoints to redirect to my .exe when requesting the .msi or any other missing files.