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Why does using "mgcv::s" in "gam(y ~ mgcv::s...)" result in an error?

I wanted to be clear and use the :: notation in the lines for fitting an mgcv::gam. I stumbled over one thing when using the notation within the model call for mgcv::s. The code with a reproducible example / error is shown below.

The reason is probably because I am using this notation within the model formula, but I could not figure out why this does not work / is not allowed. This is probably something quite specific concerning syntax (probably not mgcv specific, I guess), but maybe somebody can help me in understanding this and my understanding of R. Thank you in advance.

dat <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 101:110)
# this results in an error: invalid type (list)...
mgcv::gam(y ~ mgcv::s(x, bs = "cs", k = -1), data = dat)
# after removing the mgcv:: in front of s everything works fine
mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, bs = "cs", k = -1), data = dat)

# outside of the model call, both calls return the desired function
# [1] "function"
# [1] "function"


  • Explanation

    #Loading required package: nlme
    #This is mgcv 1.8-24. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
    f1 <- ~ s(x, bs = 'cr', k = -1)
    f2 <- ~ mgcv::s(x, bs = 'cr', k = -1)
    OK <- mgcv:::interpret.gam0(f1)$smooth.spec
    FAIL <- mgcv:::interpret.gam0(f2)$smooth.spec
    # $ :List of 10
    #  ..$ term   : chr "x"
    #  ..$ bs.dim : num -1
    #  ..$ fixed  : logi FALSE
    #  ..$ dim    : int 1
    #  ..$ p.order: logi NA
    #  ..$ by     : chr "NA"
    #  ..$ label  : chr "s(x)"
    #  ..$ xt     : NULL
    #  ..$ id     : NULL
    #  ..$ sp     : NULL
    #  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "cr.smooth.spec"
    # list()

    The 4th line of the source code of interpret.gam0 reveals the issue:

    1 function (gf, textra = NULL, extra.special = NULL)              
    2 {                                                               
    3     p.env <- environment(gf)                                    
    4     tf <- terms.formula(gf, specials = c("s", "te", "ti", "t2", 
    5         extra.special))                                         
    6     terms <- attr(tf, "term.labels") 

    Since "mgcv::s" is not to be matched, you get the problem. But mgcv does allow you the room to work around this, by passing "mgcv::s" via argument extra.special:

    FIX <- mgcv:::interpret.gam0(f, extra.special = "mgcv::s")$smooth.spec
    all.equal(FIX, OK)
    # [1] TRUE

    It is just that this is not user-controllable at high-level routine:

    head(mgcv::gam, n = 10)
    #1  function (formula, family = gaussian(), data = list(), weights = NULL, 
    #2      subset = NULL, na.action, offset = NULL, method = "GCV.Cp",        
    #3      optimizer = c("outer", "newton"), control = list(), scale = 0,     
    #4      select = FALSE, knots = NULL, sp = NULL, min.sp = NULL, H = NULL,  
    #5      gamma = 1, fit = TRUE, paraPen = NULL, G = NULL, in.out = NULL,    
    #6      drop.unused.levels = TRUE, drop.intercept = NULL, ...)             
    #7  {                                                                      
    #8      control <-"gam.control", control)                         
    #9      if (is.null(G)) {                                                  
    #10         gp <- interpret.gam(formula)  ## <- default to extra.special = NULL

    I agree with Ben Bolker. It is a good exercise to dig out what happens inside, but is an over-reaction to consider this as a bug and fix it.

    More insight:

    s, te, etc. in mgcv does not work in the same logic with stats::poly and splines::bs.

    • When you do for example, X <- splines::bs(x, df = 10, degree = 3), it evaluates x and create a design matrix X directly.
    • When you do s(x, bs = 'cr', k = 10), no evaluation is made; it is parsed.

    Smooth construction in mgcv takes several stages:

    1. parsing / interpretation by mgcv::interpret.gam, which generates a profile for a smoother;
    2. initial construction by mgcv::smooth.construct, which sets up basis / design matrix and penalty matrix (mostly done at C-level);
    3. secondary construction by mgcv::smoothCon, which picks up "by" variable (duplicating smooth for factor "by", for example), linear functional terms, null space penalty (if you use select = TRUE), penalty rescaling, centering constraint, etc;
    4. final integration by mgcv:::gam.setup, which combines all smoothers together, returning a model matrix, etc.

    So, it is a far more complicated process.