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GraphDB reasoning makes different inference for Classes

I loaded the following statements in a repo with a ruleset OWL-Horst (Optimized).

@prefix : <> .

:Foo rdf:type owl:Class .
:Bar rdf:type owl:Class . 
:Baz rdf:type owl:Class ;
     rdfs:subClassOf :Bar .

If I look at the inferred statements, I notice that for the class :Foo there is no inference. Instead there are basic inferred statements for both :Bar and :Baz. E.g.,:

:Bar rdf:type rdfs:Class    
:Bar rdfs:subClassOf :Bar

Why does it happen?


  • owl-horst-optimised ruleset "do not know" what owl:Class is so you are not getting anyting inferred out of statements relating a resource being rdf:type of owl:Class

    The inferences produced are due to the rdfs:domain and rdfs:range of rdfs:subClassOf and its transitivity.

    One way to get something inferred is to add "owl:Class rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class" to the repository.