Gmail automatically put emails under three different tabs: Primary, Social, Promotions, when I try to read the latest email with the code below, it gets all emails ignoring the tabs. How do I get email under Primary tab only? Is there another folder name I should use?"INBOX")
v_start_date = ( - datetime.timedelta(days_limit)).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")
v_result, v_mail = M.uid('search', None, '(SENTSINCE {date})'.format(date=v_start_date))
imaplib code sample:
Gmail inbox screenshot:
If you use the GMAIL IMAP Extensions, you can do a custom search in the gmail query language using X-GM-RAW. Here's an example of getting a list of recent UIDs in the primary category:
a UID SEARCH SINCE 1-May-2018 X-GM-RAW "Category:Primary"
* SEARCH 25032 25033 25034 25035 25036
a OK SEARCH completed (Success)
And here's the promotions tab:
a UID SEARCH SINCE 1-May-2018 X-GM-RAW "Category:Promotions"
* SEARCH 25026 25028 25030 25031
a OK SEARCH completed (Success)
In Python, this probably looks like:
m.uid('search', 'SINCE 1-May-2018 X-GM-RAW "Category:Primary"')