I am trying to parse a sample xml , but I am not getting expected output , I am using openxml to do this :
This is the code :
declare @myxml xml =
<Employee user="J" id="J10" method="email" date="06/13/2018 08:59">
<Employee user="R" id="R10" method="email1" date="07/13/2018 08:59">
<Employee user="Jason" id="J101" method="email" date="06/13/2018 08:59">
<Employee user="Roy" id="R101" method="email1" date="07/13/2018 08:59">
declare @i int =2;
declare @x_path varchar(5000) = (select 'Departments/Department[' + cast(@i as varchar) + ']' )
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @myxml
SELECT name,id,method,user_date
FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, @x_path)
name [varchar](1000) 'Employees/Employee/@user',
id [varchar](1000) 'Employees/Employee/@id',
method [varchar](1000) 'Employees/Employee/@method',
user_date [varchar](1000) 'Employee/Employee/@date'
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc
I am getting only 1 row , but I want 2 rows :
Output of above query:
name id method user_date
Jason J101 email NULL
Expected Output :
name id method user_date
Jason J101 email 06/13/2018 08:59
Roy R101 email 07/13/2018 08:59
I want to iterate only through the second department, that is why I have appended [@i] in the path to make sure that it iterates over 2nd department only. and the value of i would be decided dynamically, as of now I have set it to 2.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
One more way:
declare @i int = 2
SELECT t.c.value('@user', 'nvarchar(10)') as [user],
t.c.value('@id', 'nvarchar(10)') as id,
t.c.value('@method', 'nvarchar(10)') as method,
t.c.value('@date', 'nvarchar(10)') as [date]
FROM @myxml.nodes('/Departments/Department/Employees/Employee') as t(c)
WHERE t.c.value('for $i in . return count(/Departments/Department[. << $i]) ', 'int') = @i
user id method date
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Jason J101 email 06/13/2018
Roy R101 email1 07/13/2018
(2 rows affected)