I have monads that wrap lists. I would like to combine these monads to form a monad that wraps the concatenation of all the lists.
M[List[A]] + M[List[A]] ==> M[List[A]]
To achieve this I did the following (pseudo-code):
(1 to 10).foldLeft(Option(List(0)))((accumulator, i) => {
for {
prev <- accumulator
more <- Option(List(i))
} yield prev ++ more
This seems to compile but I kinda feel it should be simpler and shorter than this. Any ideas for improvement?
There is an instance of Traverse[List]
Every Monad[M]
is a special case of Applicative[M]
. Therefore, if you have a
you should be able to use sequence
in Traverse[List]
with the Applicative[M]
to first transform it into
and then use map
from Functor[M]
to flatten
it into
Something like
val lists: List[Option[List[A]]] = ???
val optLists: Option[List[List[A]]] = Traverse[List].sequence(lists)
val optList: Option[List[A]] = optLists.map(_.flatten)
in the case of Option