I have the following problem: server send's messages to the client through websocket. on the client, I need to display this messages to the user. but the problem is that sometimes messages come to fast, and I need to organize some sort of queue and show that messages one after another.
my saga:
import { eventChannel, effects, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga';
import { types, actionCreators } from './actions';
const { call, put, take, race } = effects;
function watchMessages(socket) {
return eventChannel((emitter) => {
socket.onopen = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketOpen(e)));
socket.onclose = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketClose(e)));
socket.onerror = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketError(e)));
socket.onmessage = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketMessage(e)));
return () => {
function* internalListener(socket) {
while (true) {
const data = yield take(types.SOCKET_SEND);
function* externalListener(socketChannel) {
while (true) {
const action = yield take(socketChannel);
yield put(action);
function* wsHandling(action) {
const socket = action.payload.socket;
while (true) {
const socketChannel = yield call(watchMessages, socket);
const { cancel } = yield race({
task: [call(externalListener, socketChannel), call(internalListener, socket)],
cancel: take(types.SOCKET_CLOSE),
if (cancel) {
export default function* rootSaga(action) {
yield takeEvery(types.SOCKET_CONNECT, wsHandling);
my reducer:
function dataReducer(state = initialStateData, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case types.SOCKET_MESSAGE:
if (action.payload.channel === 'channel1') {
return state
.set('apichannel1', action.payload);
} else if (action.payload.channel === 'channel2') {
return state
.set('apichannel2', action.payload);
} else if (action.payload.channel === 'channel3') {
return state
.set('apichannel3', action.payload);
return state;
return state;
so now, when the new message arrives, I'm changing state and just display it on the screen.
any ideas how I can turn this into the following: put arrived messages into some sort of queue, and show them one by one on screen for some custom time?
so I did it this way, here is the code, maybe it will be useful for someone
let pendingTasks = [];
let activeTasks = [];
function watchMessages(socket) {
return eventChannel((emitter) => {
socket.onopen = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketOpen(e)));
socket.onclose = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketClose(e)));
socket.onerror = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketError(e)));
socket.onmessage = (e) => (emitter(actionCreators.socketMessage(e)));
return () => {
function* internalListener(socket) {
while (true) {
const data = yield take(types.SOCKET_SEND);
function* externalListener(socketChannel) {
while (true) {
const action = yield take(socketChannel);
pendingTasks = [...pendingTasks, action];
function* wsHandling(action) {
const socket = action.payload.socket;
while (true) {
const socketChannel = yield call(watchMessages, socket);
const { cancel } = yield race({
task: [call(externalListener, socketChannel), call(internalListener, socket)],
cancel: take(types.SOCKET_CLOSE),
if (cancel) {
function* tasksScheduler() {
while (true) {
const canDisplayTask = activeTasks.length < 1 && pendingTasks.length > 0;
if (canDisplayTask) {
const [firstTask, ...remainingTasks] = pendingTasks;
pendingTasks = remainingTasks;
yield fork(displayTask, firstTask);
yield call(delay, 300);
else {
yield call(delay, 50);
function* displayTask(task) {
activeTasks = [...activeTasks, task];
yield put(task);
yield call(delay, 3000);
activeTasks = _.without(activeTasks, task);
export default function* rootSaga(action) {
yield [
takeEvery(types.SOCKET_CONNECT, wsHandling),
takeEvery(types.SOCKET_CONNECT, tasksScheduler),