I have got a csv file which looks like the following:
511.000000000000000,1201-02-,Glacier Peak,US-Washington,Tephrochronology,3213.000000000000000,Stratovolcano,D4,48.1118011,-121.1110001
515.000000000000000,1201-05-,St. Helens,US-Washington,Historical,2549.000000000000000,Stratovolcano,D1,46.1997986,-122.1809998
and i want to use the pair of LAT
and LON
Columns to pass them as argument for creating a map using folium
I was able to extract the csv file into a variable using pandas
data = pandas.read_csv('Volcanoes_USA.txt')
and create a basic map using folium
mymap = folium.Map(location=[12.96697, 77.58728], zoom_start=6)
Now using the csv file data which is loaded in data
variable, i want to use all these coordinates (pair of LAT and LON) values to update the map. One way is to extract the LAT and LON in separate variables.
lat = list(data["LAT"])
lon = list(data["LON"])
Is there a way where i can unpack the list items in such a way that i could use a single variable coor
which holds the pair of LAT
and LON
so that i could use it in the for loop in the following way.
for coordinates in coor:
fg.add_child(folium.Marker(location=coor, popup="This is a Marker", icon=folium.Icon(color='green')))
You can use zip. Like so:
map_1 = folium.Map(location=[45.372, -121.6972],
tiles='Stamen Terrain')
lat = [45.3288,45.25,45.3311,]
lon = [-121.6625,-121.7113,-121.75]
for cords in zip(lat, lon):
resulting in this map: