sample log file is below
2018-07-02 09:35:57 991 [INFO] from application in pool-2-thread-9 - Authenticate document processing time for transactionId : 1271400374895007_node1 documentType : Passport is 1629 msec
I wrote grok filter to extract some fields like transaction, document type, duration
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} (\[%{WORD:loglevel}\]) (?<logger>(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9$]+)\s+(-\s+)? %{GREEDYDATA} .*transactionId : %{WORD:transactionid} documentType : %{WORD:document type} is (?<duration>.*msec
can someone please suggest how to extract data between two specific words "-" (between-message) "processing time"
you can create a custom pattern to match everything between -
and processing time
(?<pool_thread>\w+[-]\d+[-]\w+[-]\d+\s*?)-(?<custom_word>.*?)(processing time)
This will output,
"pool_thread": [
"pool-2-thread-9 "
"custom_word": [
" Authenticate document "