I have the below abstract class and its two subclasses:
abstract class BoundedNumber(val lowerBound: Double,
val upperBound: Double,
val value: Double) {
require(value >= lowerBound && value <= upperBound)
final case class Percentage(override val value: Double)
extends BoundedNumber(0, 100, value)
final case class Probability(override val value: Double)
extends BoundedNumber(0, 1, value)
Can I somehow implement a "generic" addition in BoundedNumber
even though it's abstract and cannot be instantiated?
abstract class BoundedNumber(val lowerBound: Double,
val upperBound: Double,
val value: Double) {
def +(that: BoundedNumber): BoundedNumber = {
require(this.getClass == that.getClass)
// This of course won't compile:
new BoundedNumber(lowerBound, upperBound, value + that.value)
Or am I bound to (pun intended) implement addition in both subclasses thus duplicating code?
You cannot instantiate abstract class, However you can specify an abstract method in BoundedNumber
that create new instance with required updated value.
abstract class BoundedNumber(val lowerBound: Double,
val upperBound: Double,
val value: Double) {
require(value >= lowerBound && value <= upperBound)
def copy(value: Double): BoundedNumber
def +(that: BoundedNumber): BoundedNumber = {
require(this.getClass == that.getClass)
that.copy(value + that.value)
final case class Percentage(override val value: Double) extends BoundedNumber(0, 100, value) {
override def copy(value: Double): BoundedNumber = Percentage(value)
final case class Probability(override val value: Double) extends BoundedNumber(0, 1, value){
override def copy(value: Double): BoundedNumber = Probability(value)