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Apache FOP: Charts and Diagrammes in PDF?

i'm using FOP for our reporting tools, thanks to FOP we can make a nice looking PDF-File.

I need to generate not only tables or text, but also some charts/diagramms ( like pie chart, gantt , etc) and this charts should be embeded in the pdf, as a graphic format (
like SVG or JPEG ) Does anyone have any idea how to do these things ? somekind of library
maybe ?

thanks in advance


  • With FO rendering, you'd have basically two routes to choose from. Your charts and diagrams could be external files that you would refer to in the FO markup with fo:external-graphic. Or you could try embedding them with fo:instream-foreign-object. This works for SVG, but I'm not sure if its a good option for other formats.

    As for creating the contents of those charts and diagrams, that is a whole other issue.