I am struggling with the findById function of Loopback. When executing the function below with a non existing/wrong ID it returns an empty object/null and statuscode 200, not an error. When using the findById method in Loopback's explorer I receive an error message and 404 statuscode, as expected.
Can this be a bug inside Loopback? I can't imagine that I'll have to check if the result is empty every time. It should trow an error right?
Model.add = function(data, cb) {
let Vehicle = app.models.Vehicle;
Vehicle.findById('5b33a528b959503aeabf4827', function(err, vehicle) {
if (err) {
cb(null, vehicle);
From the docs:
PersistedModel.findById(id, [filter], callback)
And for parameter callback the return instance is:
Model instance matching the specified ID or null if no instance matches.