Since I don't understand how notations work, I just need to add in a plot the mean value and add a label to write the point. I added the white star
hold on;
plot(az_mean,el_mean,'wp'); hold on;
then I added the label with
str = {az1_mean,el1_mean};
text (az1_mean,el1_mean,str);
but the two values are in two different lines. How can I get this format (az1_mean,el1_mean)
x = linspace(0,3*pi,200);
y = cos(x) + rand(1,200);
y_mean = mean(y); x_mean = mean(x)
h1 = figure(1);
xlabel('Azimuth); ylabel('Elevati');
hold on;
plot(x_mean,y_mean,'wp'); hold on;
str = {x_mean,y_mean};
text (x_mean,y_mean,str);
hold off;
In the text
function, if you give the text argument as a cell array, the new row/column in the cell array will be considered as a new line for text. Take a look at this example.
To fix your problem, just explicitly convert both of x_mean
and y_mean
into character arrays and concatenate them with brackets outside and a comma in between i.e
text(x_mean, y_mean, ['(', num2str(x_mean), ', ', num2str(y_mean), ')']);
By the way, there is no need of multiple hold on
s. A single hold on
will keep holding on unless you hold off