I want NodeJs server to start at boot and be sure it stays up if it crashes with forever.
I've read a lot of posts on how to do it and the possible issues associated with it. The problem is that I have a limited memory available on given machine so I'm forced to "contain" NodeJs.
Reading the forever documentation I found out that it can be done using the command:
forever start -c "node --max_old_space_size=512" myapp.js
In this way forever calls the node server passing the memory argument which, in this case, limits the heap to 512 MB. So I wrote my sh script for rc.local like this:
cd /forever_bin_dir
./forever start -c "node --max_old_space_size=512" /myapp_dir/myapp.js
Since rc.local works with limited environmental variables, "node" can't be find and the script fails.
I even tried with Cron adding to its file the line:
@reboot /forever_bin_dir/forever start -c "node --max_old_space_size=512" /myapp_dir/myapp.js
But the same issue persist.
My question is: how can i run forever at boot time passing at the same time the argument about memory ?
The best way I found It's just setting the PATH inside a script.
I created a sh script in the home folder called launchforever.sh I got the environmental variables using the #printenv command.
The launchforever script is something like this:
export PATH=<copied from printenv>:$PATH
forever start -c "node --max_old_space_size=30" > /dev/null
After saving I gave it the permissions:
#chmod 700 /home/<user>/launchforever.sh
Then I added it to Cron:
#crontab -u <user> -e
And inside its file I added:
@reboot /home/<user>/launchforever.sh