I created silent push notifications with Pusher that works with that JSON:
"aps" : {
"content-available" : 1
"acme1" : "bar",
"acme2" : 42
What is important here is the content-available to 1 to get it.
My problem now, is to use it in AeroGear UnifiedPush Server & Docker, but when I construct my JSON, I cannot put that keys.
I tried this without success:
curl -u "c94ab6da-17e1-4c35-b17f-1ab482152a65:57781ef0-9105-440d-b902-217461c0e743" -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{
"message": {
"alert": "Hello from the curl HTTP Sender!","content-available": true
}}' http://localhost:18081/rest/sender
It returns me an error:
Unrecognized field "content-available" (class org.jboss.aerogear.unifiedpush.message.Message), not marked as ignorable
How to send Push Notifications in iOS with AeroGear UnifiedPush Server?
You should add apns object to your JSON. A complete message sample is as follow :
"message": {
"alert": "HELLO!",
"sound": "default",
"badge": 2,
"consolidationKey": null,
"priority": "normal",
"windows": {
"type": "tile",
"duration": null,
"badge": null,
"tileType": "TileWideBlockAndText01",
"toastType": null,
"images": [
"textFields": [
"page": "/MainPage.xaml"
"apns": {
"title": null,
"action": null,
"action-category": "some value",
"url-args": null,
"content-available": true,
"mutable-content": false,
"localized-key": null,
"localized-arguments": null,
"localized-title-key": null,
"localized-title-arguments": null
"user-data": {
"key2": "other value",
"key": "value"
"simple-push": "version=123"
"criteria": {
"categories": [
"variants": [
"alias": [
"deviceType": [
"config": {
"ttl": 3360
You can test it with your curl command.