Search code examples

Angular Mater 2 Normal Input

Is there a way to achieve a normal inpout biox with angular material 2? such as the imageenter image description here

When ever i refer to the Docs In only see inputs where when click the placeholder text floats up.


  • I use this code in my project it is the same as your input but has an underline in the bottom of the input

    I just make some changes in mat-form-field style

    <mat-form-field   style="padding:3px;border-radius:60px;border-style:solid; border-color:#c0bfbf91;border-width:1px">
        <input matInput  value="Sushi">
      <mat-icon  matSuffix>search</mat-icon>
          <mat-placeholder style="margin-left:20px">Favorite food</mat-placeholder>