I have a sheet with the following data:
| Text | Value | Value | Value |
|Jax and Jax friend Kung Lao fight Raiden | jax | kung lao | raiden |
|Jax and Jax friend Kung Lao fight Raiden | kitana | kung lao | raiden |
And the following formulas:
Which returns:
This is working as expected. I get TRUE of all values is found in the text-cell, and FALSE if one or all is missing.
Now, I want to modify so instead searching in multiple cells, I only want to search in one comma separated cell. Like this:
| Text | Values | Formula |
|Jax and Jax friend Kung Lao fight Raiden | jax,kung lao,raiden | TRUE |
|Jax and Jax friend Kung Lao fight Raiden | kitana,kung lao,raiden | FALSE |
I've tried with =SUMPRODUCT( -- ISNUMBER(SEARCH({B2};A2)))=COUNTA({B2})
but it doesn't work.
Try splitting the comma delimited list and using the split array like a range of cells.
=SUMPRODUCT(--isnumber(search(split(B2, ",", true, true), A2)))=counta(split(B2, ",", true, true))
'full word search
=SUMPRODUCT(--isnumber(search(text(split(B2, ",", true, true), " @ "), text(A2, " @ "))))=counta(split(B2, ",", true, true))