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HTTP 301 redirect url encoding issue

I'm using Python's requests.get() to get some Facebook profiles HTML. Some of them redirect the request to a new url. When this new url has special characters, such as 'á', the request.get() method enters a redirect loop until an exception is raised. I found a workaround to correct the redirect url string, found in the response header under the "Location" key, but it is far from an elegant solution.

import requests

# This case works. Response [200]
r = requests.get('')

# This fails. Redirect location has special characters.
# raises requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.
not_working_url = ''
    r = requests.get(not_working_url)
except Exception as e:
    print(e)  # Exceeded 30 redirects.

# Workaround
r = requests.get(not_working_url,
redirect_url = r.headers["Location"]
# "ás-Navarro-Febre/100010922979377"
# Special character 'á' on "/Tomás_Navarro_Febre/" is displayed as 'á'.

# This fixes the string.
redirect_url = redirect_url.encode('raw_unicode_escape').decode('utf-8')
# "ás-Navarro-Febre/100010922979377"

# Now it works. Response [200]
r = requests.get(redirect_url)

There must be a better way to deal with this. I tried a bunch of different headers, and using requests.Session(), but none of them worked. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Headers are normally encoded as Latin-1, so that's what requests uses to decode all headers. However, in practice, the Location header usually uses UTF-8 instead. What you are seeing then is a Mojibake, in this case UTF-8 data decoded as Latin-1.

    As of requests 2.14.0 (released May 2017), the library specifically decodes the Location header as UTF-8, precisely to avoid the problem you encountered. Upgrade your requests library.

    If you can't upgrade, you can subclass the Session class to 'patch' the issue locally:

    class UTF8RedirectingSession(requests.Session):
        def get_redirect_target(self, resp):
            if resp.is_redirect:
                return resp.headers['location'].encode('latin1').decode('utf8')
            return None

    then use

    with UTF8RedirectingSession() as session:
        response = session.get(...)