Using the PartialKeyPath
API, how can you access a value of a key path's reference? For example, this works for non-optional values, but not with Optional
The issue I'm having is that self[keyPath: keyPath]
returns a non-optional Any
struct Element {
let name: String
let mass: Double?
func stringValue(_ keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Element>) -> String {
let value = self[keyPath: keyPath]
switch value {
case let string as String:
return string.capitalized
case nil:
return "N/A"
case let value:
return String(describing: value)
let element = Element(name: "Helium", mass: 4.002602)
let string = element.stringValue(\Element.mass) /* Optional(4.002602) */
The result is that case nil
is never executed and the last case is being printed as Optional(value)
How can I unwrap value
properly to extract the optional?
The solution was to use Mirror
to unwrap the optional which seems less than optimal. Looking forward to better Reflection support in Swift!
func unwrap(_ value: Any) -> Any? {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
if mirror.displayStyle != .optional {
return value
if let child = mirror.children.first {
return child.value
} else {
return nil
struct Element {
let name: String
let mass: Double?
func stringValue(_ keyPath: PartialKeyPath<AtomicElement>) -> String {
guard let value = unwrap(self[keyPath: keyPath]) else {
return "N/A"
switch value {
case let string as String:
return string.capitalized
return String(describing: value)
let element = Element(name: "Helium", mass: 4.002602)
let string = element.stringValue(\Element.mass) /* 4.002602 */