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Get the current contents of the entire Jupyter Notebook

I have a Jupyter Notebook running. I want to be able to access the source of the current Jupyter Notebook from within Python. My end goal is to pass it into ast.parse so I can do some analysis on the user's code. Ideally, I'd be able to do something like this:

import ast

Obviously, if the source code was an IPYNB file, there'd be an intermediary step of extracting the code from the Python cells, but that's a relatively easy problem to solve.

So far, I've found code that will use the list_running_servers function of the IPython object in order to make a request and match up kernel IDs - this gives me the filename of the currently running notebook. This would work, except for the fact that the source code on disk may not match up with what the user has in the browser (until you save a new checkpoint).

I've seen some ideas involving extracting out data using JavaScript, but that requires either a separate cell with magic or calling the display.Javascript function - which fires asynchronously, and therefore doesn't allow me to pass the result to ast.parse.

Anyone have any clever ideas for how to dynamically get the current notebooks source code available as a string in Python for immediate processing? I'm perfectly fine if I need to make this be an extension or even a kernel wrapper, I just need to get the source code somehow.


  • Well, this isn't exactly what I wanted, but here's my current strategy. I need to run some Python code based on the user's code, but it doesn't actually have to be connected to the user's code directly. So I'm just going to run the following magic afterwards:

    // Get source code from cells
    var source_code = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().map(function(cell) {
        if (cell.cell_type == "code") {
            var source = cell.code_mirror.getValue();
            if (!source.startsWith("%%javascript")) {
                return source;
    // Embed the code as a Python string literal.
    source_code = JSON.stringify(source_code);
    var instructor_code = "student_code="+source_code;
    instructor_code += "\nimport ast\nprint(ast.dump(ast.parse(student_code)))\nprint('Great')"
    // Run the Python code along with additional code I wanted.
    var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;
    var t = kernel.execute(instructor_code, { 'iopub' : {'output' : function(x) {
        if (x.msg_type == "error") {
            element.text(x.content.ename+": "+x.content.evalue+"\n"+x.content.traceback.join("\n"))
        } else {
            element.html(x.content.text.replace(/\n/g, "<br>"));