I'm writing a desktop application in Python using the Qt framework, and it involves whisking images across the screen at a fairly quick pace. I do this in a pretty straightforward way:
This works, but even at modest speeds (say 500 pixels per second) the images (in this case I'm using playing cards) are really painful to look at. There's a lot of horizontal blurring. I thought that I might be able to mitigate this by changing the frequency with which the timer goes off (so that the images get moved a larger amount fewer times, or a smaller amount more times), but this doesn't really help.
Can anyone explain what's causing this, and how I might fix it? I've read the Wikipedia article on Motion Blur, but it didn't help much. When someone asked me what caused it, I said something about monitor response times, but I wasn't convinced of it, and when they asked me "So how come that doesn't happen when you play a video game?" I couldn't give an answer.
Edit: As requested, here's a paste of a toy program that exhibits the problem. Takes a path to an image file as a command line argument.
It looks like flicker from a lack of double buffering. I'm not sure exactly how to solve it in your particular toolkit, but that should point you in the right direction.