How can I get the value of a specific property with a sparql query.
I want to have this answer :
I have this data :
a vocab:artefacts_alloy , owl:NamedIndividual ;
rdfs:label "Tin Bronze" ;
vocab:artefacts_alloy_id 1 ;
vocab:artefacts_alloy_name "Tin Bronze" ;
ont:isLinkedTo <> .
And my query is :
PREFIX owl:<>
PREFIX rdfs:<>
PREFIX vocab:<>
PREFIX ont: <>
FROM <http://localhost:8080/MiCorrDS/data/MiCorrGraph>
?alloy rdfs:label "Tin Bronze" .
?alloy ont:isLinkedTo ?linkedTo .
But no results are returned.
What is my mistake?
The problem was that the ont: prefix refered to the wrong element.
The correct one was :
PREFIX ont: <>