I am applying a custom method on a dataframe using the apply method. When a dataframe with more than 2 rows (tuples) are passed, it results in the kernel being terminated (dead) in the jupyter notebook. When running the same on terminal, it results in a segmentation Fault.
The method works for an individual row or for 2 rows, but not more than that. Both the calls below works with the custom function myTrial
newPD2 = pd.head(2).apply(myTrial, axis=1)
But this results in the following error.
newPD2 = pd.head(3).apply(myTrial, axis=1)
The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.
The method myTrial
uses alignment function pairwise2.align.globalmx
from BioPython
and other inbuilt python functions. I am providing the function below:
I am having a dataframe with 10,000 rows and 8 columns. I am suing a server with 256 GB RAM.
The function is as follows
from Bio import pairwise2
def myTrial(pdf):
source = pdf['source']
targ = pdf['target']
if source == targ:
pdf['sourceAlign'] = source
pdf['targetAlign'] = source
pdf['joint'] = source
return pdf
alignments = pairwise2.align.globalmx(source, targ,1,-0.5)
summaDict = dict()
for item in alignments:
lenList = list()
i = 0
while i < len(item[0]):
con = 0
while item[0][i] == item[1][i]:
con += 1
i += 1
if con == 0:
i += 1
con =0
summa = 0
for thing in lenList:
summa += (thing[0]*thing[0])
summaDict[summa] = list()
stuff = sorted(summaDict.keys(),reverse=True)[0]
if len(summaDict[stuff]) > 1:
words = summaDict[stuff][0][0][2]
jointWord = ''
for inda in range(len(words[0])):
if words[0][inda] == words[1][inda]:
jointWord += words[0][inda]
if words[0][inda] != '-':
jointWord += 'DEL('+words[0][inda]+')'
if words[1][inda] != '-':
jointWord += 'INS('+words[1][inda]+')'
pdf['sourceAlign'] = words[0]
pdf['targetAlign'] = words[1]
pdf['joint'] = jointWord
return pdf
The dataframe is as follows
type | source | props | target | subtype | p0 | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4
0 | ADJ | najprzytulniejszy | [NEUT, INS, SG] | najprzytulniejszym | NaN | NEUT | INS | SG | None | None
1 | ADJ | sadystyczny | [MASC, DAT, SG] | sadystycznemu | NaN | MASC | DAT | SG | None | None
2 | V | wyrzucić | [FUT, 2, SG] | wyrzucisz | NaN | FUT | 2 | SG | None | None
3 | N | świat | [ACC, SG] | świat | NaN | ACC | SG | None | None | None
4 | N | Marsjanin | [INS, PL] | Marsjanami | NaN | INS | PL | None | None | None
The console output isnt any helpgul either:
[I 19:16:45.709 NotebookApp] Kernel restarted: 604e9df5-6630-4a12-9c13-e9d7a4835da2
[I 19:17:00.710 NotebookApp] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5)
WARNING:root:kernel 604e9df5-6630-4a12-9c13-e9d7a4835da2 restarted
What can be the possible reason?
The Bio.pairwise2.globalmx function is causing a segfault, which is out of Pandas' control. Please see Biopython pairwise2 for non-ASCII strings for the solution on how to fix the underlying segfault.