I would like to know the timezone of the user who runs the gmail add-on.
Trying the following code did not comply to the client's time zone :
var formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
I basically want to filter my response and just show the upcoming events to the user.
There's the official documented way to retrieve timezone info in Gmail add-ons. Add the following scope to your manifest file:
"oauthScopes":["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.locale", ....]
Set the 'gmail.userLocaleFromApp' property to 'true':
"gmail": {"useLocaleFromApp": true}
Set the "onTriggerFunction" property to whatever function you are using to start up the add-on. The code below displays the card showing timezone details for the user running the add-on.
function loadAddon(e){
var accessToken = e.messageMetadata.accessToken;
var userLocale = e.userLocale;
var offset = e.userTimezone.offSet;
var timezoneId = e.userTimezone.id;
var message ="User locale: " + userLocale +
"\nUTC offset: " + offset +
" \nTimezone Id: " + timezoneId;
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
.setTitle("User timezone info"))
return [card];
UPDATE There seems to be the error in the documentation that some of the editors pointed out:
The UTC offset is supposed to be e.userTimezone.offset, but is actually e.userTimezone.offSet.