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Copy a file from one dir to another by date

I have this SQL Job (in SQL Server 2005) that creates a backup every six(6) hours, the backup's filename is based on the timestamp so that it will create a unique filename(dbname_yyyymmddhhmmss.bak), Now my question is, How would I know using xp_cmdshell if the file is three day old and based on my script I want to delete backup(.bak) that is a three day old. Can someone out there help me, thanks in advance. Cheers!


  • This is not really the answer to your questions, but you could do this directly in SqlServer 2005 with a Maintenance Plan (Object Explorer -> Management -> Maintenance Plans).

    I usually create one Maintenance Plan including two tasks: One "Maintenance Cleanup Task" which deletes old backups after x days, followed by a "Back Up Database Task".