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How to make an anti lost app run even after phone hard reset?

Well guys... Phone losting and phone stealing is very very increased now days .. the anti lost apps works only if the internet connected and location on... When the device has it's data... But what if the thief reset the phone from recovery mode ? There's no way to trace my target is too keep an anti lost app installed even after the hard reset.. .well i don't know any kinda coding.. but with some basic core knowledge I came to know about the partitions of android... And also came to know that the system partition keep the system apps and unlike pc we don't have to install the os after formatting the phone....... So I'm thinking to keep an anti lost app in system partition... So that even a thief gets my phone and reset it from recovery mode... Still the app will remain installed and i would able to find my device... Well I surfed in internet.. and it's can only be done with root access... But... How far i know... The app would install even after the phone reset but how can i keep the app data... Cuz you have to login in any kinda anti lost app ... Which auto happens when the data remains in the phone.... So I want to develop an anti lost app which would allow me to access my phone even after hard reset.... can anyone help me ?


  • your question itself has the answer... you say ... "Im thinking to keep an anti lost app in system partition...." and also know that..

    ...."and it's can only be done with root access.."

    read these do sentences again... you will get your answer...

    also read this article to get a rough idea of what its all about....

    in simple words... to install apps in the SYSTEM PARTITION you will surely NEED A ROOTED PHONE..

    also go through this stackoverflow question to clear your doubts of apps in the system partition after hard reset of the phone..