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Can't get the data response object from react-native-customized-image-picker

I have read in the document here: that I could get the response object of data from an image, but when I tried it I got undefined. I can get other objects like size, mime, and path like this:

    SelectPhoto = () =>{
     cropping: true,
     title: 'Select a Picture',
     isCamera: true,
    }).then((imgResponse) => {
      console.log(imgResponse[0].path); <-- This logs the correct path
      console.log(imgResponse[0].data); <-- This logs the undefined
      let imgSource = { uri: imgResponse[0].path };
        userimgSource: imgSource,

My ultimate goal is to upload an image to a server and I think having the data is required? I am using the RNFetchBlob multipart/form-data. Any help on this is appreciated, thank you!


  • First of all data prop is not at all required, you can upload your file using path. If you really want data then there is a prop name "includeBase64"(by default it false) set it to true.

       SelectPhoto = () =>{
         cropping: true,
         title: 'Select a Picture',
         isCamera: true,

    NOTE: Setting {includeBase64: true} will convert your image to base64 which may lead to OUT OF MEMORY issue in android when you try to upload a large image.

    To Upload Your using path and React-Native-Fetch-Blob

        RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', URL, {
            // dropbox upload headers
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
            // Change BASE64 encoded data to a file path with prefix `RNFetchBlob-file://`.
            // Or simply wrap the file path with RNFetchBlob.wrap().
        }, [
                // element with property `filename` will be transformed into `file` in form data
                { name: 'file', filename: 'Image.png', data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(response.uri) },
                // custom content type
            ]).then((res) => {
            .catch((err) => {
                // error handling ..

    And if you have RN>=0.54 then You don't need fetch-blob to upload image React-native now has full blob support.try this

    var photo = {
          uri: URI,
          type:image/png, // check your object you will get  mime-type in image picker response.
          name: file,
        var body = new FormData();
        body.append('file', photo);
            method: 'post',
            url: 'URL',
            data: body,
            config: { headers: {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }}

    reference Links

    upload video using React-native-fetch-blob

    react-native blob support announcement

    send Form data using Axios