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Is there a new, official API for rejecting calls on Android?


For a very long time, there wasn't an official API for blocking calls on Android.

What developers did for CallerId and call-blocking apps, is to use some reflection tricks, as shown here.

The problem

It seems no blocking app works on Android P DP3 (tested on Pixel 2). Even very popular apps such as TrueCaller fail to block calls.

I believe this is because it might be replaced with an official API, as there are some articles that talk about built in call blocking capability for users:

What I've found

The only solution that could replace it, is by extending InCallService class, but by doing so you must also have your app become the default dialer app:

In addition to implementing the InCallService API, you must also declare an activity in your manifest which handles the Intent.ACTION_DIAL intent.

Not only that, but only one app can be set as such at a time, so the user can't choose multiple callerId and/or call-blocking apps.

Seeing that I can't find an alternative, and that now it's the best time to request such a thing, I've also requested it here.

The question

Is there another alternative for rejecting calls?

Does Google provide now with an official function to do it?


  • It should be quite easy with the new Android P API. Your app needs to request the permission Manifest.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS. Then you can call the method endCall of TelecomManager class doc here.