So let's say I have these lines of code:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-h' in sys.argv:
elif '-f' or 'function'in sys.argv:
elif '-n'or '-name' in sys.argv:
elif '-e' or '-extension'in sys.argv:
elif '-m' or '-missing'in sys.argv:
elif 'r' or '-range' in sys.argv:
The letters are supposed to be inputs from the user in the bash terminal. Showing the help method works and it is able to show all of the strings. The -f input works and shows the contents that I need in that function, however the code just spits out the content from function 1 and not from function2 and so on.
How do I get these different letters, -f, -n, -e, -m (if inputted) to carry out that function and spit out that information? Also is there a more efficient way to do this without using argparse for a beginner Python scripter?
I highly suggest using argparse.
If you prefer not to, creating a dictionary of flags is also possible:
flags = {
'-h': show_help,
'-f': function1,
'-function': function1,
'-n': function2,
'-name': function2,
'-e': function3,
'-extension': function3,
'-m': function4,
'-missing': function4,
'-r': function5,
'-range': function5,
if __name__ == '__main__':
for flag in sys.argv:
By creating a dictionary, you're able to just look up the keys.
It results in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.