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How to call Python method from R reticulate

reticulate lets you interface with Python from R. In Python, it is common to use (class) methods to interact with your variables. How do I access/execute the method of one Python variable in R when using reticulate? For example, if I create the following Python dictionary:

fruits = {
    "apple": 53,
    "banana": None,
    "melon": 7,

that is accessible using reticulate,


## $apple
## [1] 53
## $banana
## $melon
## [1] 7

How can I call one of the methods from the dictionary class, e.g. keys() from R?


## dict_keys(['apple', 'banana', 'melon'])

I tried:

```{r error=TRUE}

## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): attempt to apply non-function

```{r error=TRUE}

## Error in py_get_attr_impl(x, name, silent): AttributeError: module '__main__' has no attribute 'fruits.keys'

but both tries failed.


  • As pointed out in Type Conversions, Python's dict objects become named lists in R. So, to access the equivalent of "dictionary keys" in R you would use names:

    ## [1] "melon"  "apple"  "banana"

    You may choose to convert the result back to a dict-like object using reticulate::dict(). The resulting object would then function as you want:

    reticulate::dict( py$fruits )
    ## {'melon': 7, 'apple': 53, 'banana': None}
    reticulate::dict( py$fruits )$keys()
    ## ['melon', 'apple', 'banana']