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ASP.NET Debugging problem

I'm building web sites in Visual Studio 2010. I recently upgraded to a new dev machine running windows 7 64-bit. Now, when I make a change to a webpage, I have to stop debugging, kill cassini, and start debugging again before the new code takes effect. I didn't have this problem in XP.

Things I've tried...

  • compilation debug="true" in config file
  • options->Debugging->Edit and Continue is enabled

I'm not sure if this follows under dynamic compilation or Edit and Continue - any help would be appreciated.


One of my colleagues is not having this problem. He has an identical setup to me, using the same project, same build configuration (Any CPU)


  • As it turns out, this was my fault... I had experienced the dreaded "network BIOS command limit has been reached" issue. I found a post that recommended doing a regedit hack "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode = 1", well this basically turns off File Change Notifications. Changing this value to 2, and applying the changes recommended in knowledge base 810886 fixed both problems.