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POST signout message to Tableau Server fails using Indy or TWebBrowser

In working with the Tableau Server API for beta version 2018.2, the documentation lists a REST api call that signs out / ends a secured session between the custom application and the Tableau Server.

The session is secured by executing a POST request (signin) utilizing a username and password that obtains a token to be used for further requests.

When the session is finished the proper security protocol to follow is to sign out/close the session. This is done much in the same way as the request flow process, by creating a custom authentication header string that includes the token.

When performing signout there is one significant difference, in that the request to 'signout' is a POST request, not a GET request. While this should not pose a problem, it seems to be one.

The main difference between the signout POST request and any other POST request is that the data for the signout request is nil/null. Based on the fact that the API documentation makes no mention of this, but rather gives a simple CURL example:

curl "http://MY-SERVER/api/3.0/auth/signout" -X POST -H "X-Tableau-Auth:12ab34cd56ef78ab90cd12ef34ab56cd" has to assume that the act of performing a POST request without sending data is perceived to be a normal function.

I have tried this request using the TIdHTTP component, and supplying an empty TStringStream or an empty TStringList for the POST data parameters in the post call:

  tss := TStringStream.Create('');

...but receive an 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized' exception.

If I attempt to do this with a TWebBrowser interface:

  flags,headers,postdata,targetframe,url: OleVariant;
  url := 'http://<myserver>/api/3.0/auth/signout';
  headers := 'X-Tableau-Auth: ' + FToken + #13#10;
  targetframe := 1;
  flags := 1;
  postdata := VarArrayCreate([0,1],varByte);
  postdata[0] := 1;

...the first time I get an undesired launch of Internet Exploder, with the signout url in the url box, and a page displayed that says 'Navigation canceled'.

If I run the code again I get another undesired Internet Exploder launch, this time with the the following response/page:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<tsResponse xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
-<error code="401002">
<summary>Unauthorized Access</summary>
<detail>Invalid authentication credentials were provided.</detail>

I would much rather use the TIdHttp component for this minor task, but have to use the TWebBrowser for the visual tasks, so I could use that as well.

Here is the link to the Tableau Server documentation for the signout api call:|_____90


  • Ok, figured it out. In my code the header with auth info was not being added. Also, set http.Connection to 'close'.

    That solved the issue.