I am trying to achieve parallel unzip using PowerShell. The code attached would unzip one file at a time that matches the keyword. Is there a way I could unzip multiple files in parallel
You could use a workflow which will provide parallel processing You can learn alot more about workflows at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/system-center/sma/overview-powershell-workflows?view=sc-sma-1801
workflow Unzip-File{
Param (
foreach –parallel ($File in $Files){
Write-Output "$($file.Name) : Started"
Expand-Archive -Path $File -DestinationPath "$Destination\$($file.Name)"
Write-Output "$($file.Name) : Completed"
Write-Output "$($file.Name) : Started"
Expand-Archive -Path $File -DestinationPath $Destination
Write-Output "$($file.Name) : Completed"
$ZipFiles = Get-ChildItem C:\Users\Default\Desktop\ZipTest\Source\*.zip
Unzip-File -Files $ZipFiles -Destination "C:\Users\Default\Desktop\ZipTest\Destination" -SeprateFolders
Write-Error $_