How do you custom draw (at runtime) OSMDroid tiles. I am trying to generate a (simple) weather overlay on the device itself from data. Whilst a overlay would suffice and I understand MapsForge may be one such possibility for generating vector tiles, the data I am trying to draw is very simple and I figured it may be overkill?
I have attempted to implement a generic BitmapTileSourceBase and overwrite the getDrawable() method to return a bitmap but this does not seem to get triggered and end up with blank tiles.
public class DrawnTiles extends BitmapTileSourceBase {
public DrawnTiles(String aName) {
super(aName, 1, 6, 256, ".png");
public synchronized Drawable getDrawable(final String aFilePath) {
//Make the bad tile easy to spot
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(256, 256, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
return new BitmapDrawable(bitmap);
Appreciate any advice or a preferred solution. The final tiles will be drawn according to their bounds so a way to access this the method will be ideal. No fussed about cacheing so much as the data will change fairly frequently.
Whilst not a direct answer to the original question the following does solve my problem and may solve others.
Generating tiles may be required for a global solution, however the OSMDroid Custom Overlay does seem to satisfy my requirements. Supporter functions for converting between pixels & lat/longs.
public class CustomOverlay extends org.osmdroid.views.overlay.Overlay {
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView map, boolean shadow) {
if (!isEnabled()) return;
if (shadow) {
//draw a shadow if needed, otherwise return
This will go from pixel x,y to lat/lon
GeoPoint iGeoPoint = (GeoPoint) projection.fromPixels(x,y);
This will go from lat/lon to pixel x,y
projection.toPixels(geoPoint, pt);
To project pixels should give you the canvas coordinates
final Projection pj = map.getProjection();;
Paint paint = new Paint();