Search code examples

C# Create Directory based on ZIP code value of file and Transfer Files using System.IO, System.Data, & CSVReader

Existing App: I have a C# app that runs a search and fetches matching lead files and throws them into a specificied directory.

Adding functionality to: have the system check to see if a subdirectory exists for the file's zip code and if it doesn't exist create it, then i want the file transfered into that respective directory.

Problem: Right now, none of the files are transferring and none of the subdirectories are being created. Nothing happens. Is it a syntax issue or am I calling it wrong???

Please help!

Here's what I added:

            string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + ZIP;
            // If the zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))

         private void TransferFile(string sourceDir, string filename, string ZIP)     
            string targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;

Here's more of the code in the SearchProcess.cs file for the bigger picture (with some stuff left off):

    public void Run()
        m_sc = (SearchCriteria)m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateGetSearchCriteria);
        // Display parameters
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on Corp: " + m_sc.get_Corp() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on OrderNumber: " + m_sc.get_OrderNumber() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on Campaign: " + m_sc.get_Campaign() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on City: " + m_sc.get_City() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on State: " + m_sc.get_State() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on Zip: " + m_sc.get_Zip() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on Source Path: " + m_sc.get_SourcePath() });
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] { "Search on Target Path: " + m_sc.get_TargetPath() });


        // Make asynchronous call to main form
        // to inform it that thread finished
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateThreadFinished, null);

            for (int colNum = 0; colNum < expectedTypes.Count; colNum++)
            if (m_sc.get_SearchOR().Equals(true))
                // Check for the Zip match
                if (m_sc.get_Zip() != "" && ZIP.Contains(m_sc.get_Zip()) == true)
                    found = true;

                    string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + ZIP;
                    // If the zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.

                    if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))

                }     // ending if (m_sc.get_SearchOR().Equals(true))
            }         //ending for loop  

    private void TransferFile(string sourceDir, string filename, string ZIP)
        string fullFileName = filename + ZIP + ".pdf";
        string fullFileNameAndPath = sourceDir + "\\" + fullFileName;

        //copy matching source file into the specified subdirectory based on zip
        string targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
        // Copy the file if the source file exists
        if (File.Exists(fullFileNameAndPath))
            m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"COPYING FROM: " + fullFileNameAndPath});
            m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"TO: " + targetFileAndPath});
            // Do the copy, overrite the target file if it exists
            File.Copy(fullFileNameAndPath, targetFileAndPath, true);
            m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"Source file does not exist: " + fullFileNameAndPath});
        m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {""});

Thanks for looking! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • I found the problem! I had the code for creating the directory in the wrong place. It was under the If statement for Zip Code Matching and would only execute if the zip code was a match and the zip code is an optional field in the search. I moved all the code under the TransferFile Method and it worked fine. Also the data's source directory had to be pointing to C:\Documents and Settings\bmccarthy\Desktop\sourcedir AND the files had to be in a special format under a subdirectory of that directory at C:\Documents and Settings\bmccarthy\Desktop\sourcedir\AMLDailyHotLeads20101001

    Here's the rewritten code:

                // Copy the file if ANY of the search criteria have been met
                if (found)
                    m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"FOUND: Order_No: " + Order_No +
                                                                            " barcode: " + barcode +
                                                                            " MailerCode: " + MailerCode +
                                                                            " AgentID: " + AgentID +
                                                                            " City: " + City +
                                                                            " State: " + State +
                                                                            " ZIP: " + ZIP});
                    //passes values to TransferFile 
                    TransferFile(directory, barcode, AgentID, ZIP);
            } // end for that finds each matching record 
        // find and copy the file to the target directory string ZIP
        private void TransferFile(string sourceDir, string filename, string AgentID, string ZIP)
            string fullFileName = filename + ".pdf";
            string fullFileNameAndPath = sourceDir + "\\" + fullFileName;
            string targetFileAndPath;
                // adds the given lead's agentid and zip code to the targetpath string 
                string targetzipdir = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP;
                // If the given lead's zip code subdirectory doesn't exist, create it.
                if (!Directory.Exists(targetzipdir))
                targetFileAndPath = m_sc.get_TargetPath() + "\\" + AgentID + "\\" + ZIP + "\\" + fullFileName;
            // Copy the file if the source file exists
            if (File.Exists(fullFileNameAndPath))
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"COPYING FROM: " + fullFileNameAndPath});
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"TO: " + targetFileAndPath});
                // Copy the file and over-write the target file if it exists
                File.Copy(fullFileNameAndPath, targetFileAndPath, true);
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {"Source file does not exist: " + fullFileNameAndPath});
            m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateAddString, new Object[] {""});