I have a ps image that I want to convert to a gif image with horizontal by vertical dimensions of 900 and 800 respectively. I have tried to use the command:
convert panel.gs -resize x800 y900 panel.gif
or also:
convert panel.gs -resize 900x800 panel.gif
Can you help me to tweak the convert commands so I can get the desired results?
.gs is not a valid suffix. Did you mean .ps?
Imagemagick will need ghostscript as a delegate. You did not say what was wrong nor what platform or what version of Imagemagick.
If the image does not have the same aspect ratio as the final dimensions you want, you will either 1) need to distort it to fit using !, 2) resize it and then extend to the size you want filling with background color, or 3) resize it with ^ and crop it to the size you want.
convert panel.ps -resize "900x800!" panel.gif
convert panel.ps -resize 900x800 -gravity center -background white -extent 900x800 panel.gif
convert panel.ps -resize "900x800^" -gravity center -extent 900x800 panel.gif