I would like to get the regex expression for a key-value pair separated by comma.
input: "tag.Name:test,age:30,name:TestName123"
This is my attempt so far
string pattern = @".*:.*"
(I guess that .* indicates anything multiple times, followed by : and again anything multiple times, if I include a comma at the end ,*
string pattern = @".*:.*,*"
I assume is the same thing, but it didn't work for me, the final result can be accomplish with Linq but I would like to not parse the input
A sample of my output
string input = "tags.tagName:Tag1,tags.isRequired:false"
var finaRes = input.Split(',').Select(x => x.Split(':')).Select(x => new { Key = x.First(), Value= x.Last()});
Key Value
tags.tagName | Tag1
tags.isRequired| false
You can use this regex (demo is here)
(?<key>[^:]+) // this will match a 'key' - everything until colon char
(?<value>[^,]+) // this will match a 'value' - everything until comma char
C# example:
var regex = new Regex("(?<key>[^:]+):(?<value>[^,]+),?");
var input = "tag.Name:test,age:30,name:TestName123";
var matches = regex.Matches(input);
foreach (Match match in matches)
Console.Write(" ");
Output will be:
tag.Name test
age 30
name TestName123